Jersey calf.jpg
June 4 2012
Use pictures to catch the eye and use your words to catch the mind To build trust, farmers know they must become a familiar face to their customers. From coffee shops to hay sales, farmers have used these...
May 30 2012
Do you enjoy money, knowledge or friends? This is not a multiple-choice question, as you can have all three through a prominent dairy charity. National Dairy Shrine is a 17,000-member nonprofit charity...
May 29 2012
Serve dairy products at events to promote the industry by Patti Hurtgen, Hoard's Dairyman staff Last weekend, I attended a high school graduation party for a student pursuing higher education in our industry....
May 28 2012
Consider writing a standard operating procedure to ensure tasks are completed uniformly on your operation. The workforce on a modern dairy farm is both multigenerational and multicultural. Without training,...
May 25 2012
Economist Herbert Stein (1916-1999) had a keen wit and ability to sum up complex financial concepts in simple ways. A former chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisors, he is best remembered...
May 23 2012
Betty Thompson felt like she had the odds stacked against her when she ran for Miss America. "I was the little farm girl with a milk dud platform that wasn't tall enough to win," she said. But, this Oklahoma...
May 22 2012
It seems people choose to focus on the negative. When sharing milk's story, highlight the positive. The phases you speak or type become memorable and often quotable. MyDairy shares some reminders as we...
May 15 2012
The jargon in our industry can overwhelm the ordinary urbanite. The words we choose when talking to our dairy neighbor at the feed mill are different than the vocabulary used to talk to the teacher at...
May 9 2012
We can buy happiness. That seems to be a pie-in-the-sky statement, but what if I told you researcher Michael Norton has proven we can?
May 7 2012
The National FFA Contest encompasses dairy management into their judging contest. by Hoard's Dairyman staff Many of us began dairy judging in 4-H programs. The younger members started by just filling out...
April 25 2012
I place this fine class of Holstein cows D B A C. D easily wins this class with her combination of modern dairy strength and the fact she has the best udder in this class. When you view the cows from the...
April 4 2012
by Hoard's Dairyman staff One of the U.S.'s most prominent dairymen looked into his renewable crystal ball. Mike McCloskey, D.V.M., may be a name you are familiar with. Or another name, Fair Oaks Farms,...
April 3 2012
Four teams take First Place honors in Roanoke, Va. For another year, the tension has ended and the 2012 Dairy Challenge Platinum teams have been crowned. Spanning 32 universities from across the U.S. and...
April 2 2012
If you are planning an event, whether a farm tour or school visit, now is the time to start gathering material. There are several resources available to help producers promote the dairy industry and dairy...
March 19 2012
And, how are we changing over time? Financially, every business, whether it is dairy related or not, faces an array of challenges and opportunities that impact profitability and future success
March 10 2012
Only 1,651 dairy operations hung up their milkers in 2011. That's the smallest drop, both percentage and actual, since 1992. After losing over 80,028 dairy farms since 1992, it appears the reductions in...
March 8 2012
"This is our playing field. On October 31, 2011 the 7 billionth human was brought into the world. We are in the midst of a population increase," noted Jeff Simmons, with Elanco, at the Northeast Dairy...
March 6 2012
Well-spoken young professionals, both producers and allied industry, participated in leadership training in Albuquerque, N.M. They were exposed to break-out sessions, media training, and a panel discussion...
March 2 2012
Most are easily preventable . . . and can be very expensive if they aren't. The specific list of most common dairy violations varies from state to state, but not by much, says Blane Adams, a loss control...
Feb. 27 2012
After losing over 80,028 dairy farms since 1992, it appears the reductions in licensed dairy operations are moderating. In the last four years, losses have ranged from 1,651 to 2,195 with the watermark...